Women want to fly...they were born for it! And yet, most get
caught with the realities of life, often
harsh and often with a support system that drains their energies instead of
giving them a boost! And yet they strive on, sometimes like mother earth and
sometimes like foot soldiers! These women are all around us. She is that woman
with the head phones on the bus, the girl with the pink umbrella and pretty
dress, the lady with the diamonds in the fancy car and the woman who picks up
our mess! She is me – she is you! We know this, and we look the other way...we
wrap ourselves in the banal and ignore their stories in the hope that they
won’t touch us. But no longer - because the Flamingo has decided to fly!
Here is a book that deals with real women and real stories
and real strife, sometime in the big problems of the ordinary (until you get to
know her) Preeta, the glamourous Rimpy or the powerful Sonia! These women, no
matter what they do or how they dress are real. Everything they go through is
honest and their struggles, trials and tribulations are truths that you
identify with! Because don’t we see them around us every day?
So here’s one that talks of love, honesty and triumph, of
friendships and successes – all of it real, stark and couched in nothing but
honesty! Here is the truth of women – the all powerful, strong and delightful
The book also talks about Beyond Pink, a platform for narrating stories
of urban Indian women who have taken life by the horns, decided there’s no
better person than themselves to lead it, and then quietly got on with it.
Apart from writing such stories herself, the author is also going to curate
Beyond Pink fiction by other writers and look for publishing platforms for
The book with a difference!
The Flight of the Flamingo – by Sangeeta Mall!
299 pages
Published by Westland
Available at all book stores and as ebook on Flipkart and
Amazon Kindle.
this is about urban Indian women,who have the education,certainly some money and a fairly good support system,but what about the lady who really picks up our mess,who most probably has an abusive husband or father at home and all of the pressure of trying to make ends meet every month(an impossible task nowadays with all prices sky rocketing-especially medical)what about her voice,is it always to be stilled,ignored for the ones who are already in the upper rungs of the ladder and just wanting to get up higher so that she can fly,but meanwhile here is the woman who does not even know or understand if she will see the sun rise on another new day