Yesterday, I found myself part of a very interesting discussion. And let me confess in the beginning, that the only reason I have an opinion on everything is that I can! And that I have lived my life to the fullest! Every opinion is the voice of experience. And now that I've built myself up, let's get on with it.
A guy asked me "How do you know when you have met the right person?" Now here's a question after everyone's heart! Everyone knows the answer for this one and it's mighty simple. "Your heart tells you!" "You just know." "Everything feels right" "The connect is instant." Basically, it's your hearts job to beat a little faster, brim with joy and send signals to your brain that "here comes the sun." Ans here I thought the heart's job was to pump blood and generally keep you from dropping dead!
Sandy and Atul - one of my favourite cuples! |
And no matter what anyone says, I don't think the heart knows, because if it did, there would be no heart breaks! It would only beat faster for the right person and there would be no break ups and no divorces. I'd think, this know all part of the body would at least protect us by telling us that we were heading down the wrong path. But it beats harder for the wrong ones! Think about it! How often have we felt instant connect with someone who turned out to be totally wrong. And even though a part of us knew it, that voice of logic got drowned out in the loud heart beats, and we ended up with mistakes.
I also got asked how I knew that Prashant was "the right one." My answer is, "I didn't!" I still don't! But it seemed good, and I decided to not be scared anymore. I decided not to run. I took a chance! And today, I don't say "it was the right decision." I say, "so far, so good." And some of the happiest people I know have done exactly that, taken a chance on the unlikeliest of people just because the good outweighed the bad.
My parents - still in love after 46 years of marriage! |
And therein lies the moral of the story. Love, the right one or happily ever after is just a lot of days where you say "we got this far." And if that doesn't happen, you dust the seat of your pants and get on with your search again, because not taking a chance on someone who made you smile just leaves you behind asking questions that have no answers! So there!!!
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