Wednesday 22 August 2012

Are you ready?

Are you ready? To take that leap into your future? Into that big promotion...the dream job...the big raise...the car...the long working hours...having no weekend...I'm sure the answer is yes! Who doesn't want all this? And we've been ready for this since we were born! We were born ready to commit ourselves to the big time and the good times and we're willing to do what it takes!

Are you ready to make that change in your life? Are you ready to commit to a person? Ah! Deafening silence I'm sure!

That's the thing! We are ready to commit our lives to something that gets us bigger things, but not ready to commit to someone we can share it with. And I should know! I spent years in the same situation. Forget a relationship, I couldn't commit to a dinner with my friends. I was known to make plans and vanish. I would get busy with work and forget. I spent years trying to choose the curtains for my room. That was a commitment too. But once I decided, I enjoyed it.

And then came the big one. I could not commit to a man! It was scary. I was of a certain age, independent and set in my ways. Fitting someone in was too much trouble! And the adjustments I'd have to make! Don't even get me started. I WAS NOT READY THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

Then along came my now husband and everyone knows that story so I'll skip to the part where my heart was saying yes and my mind was saying, "beware! You're about to commit and YOU'RE NOT READY!" I ignored the mind and the heart and decided to face my fears.

I was never going to be ready. It was a big step. It's not like buying curtains. I couldn't get bored and change him. Bloody hell! But I went though with it. And the adjustments! Now that I've started I'will get into that too!

I did it and so far it's been great. One month away from my 1st wedding anniversary, last evening, my husband and I got talking! Turns out he was equally not ready! And hated the thought of the adjustments. Then we shut our eyes, took a deep breath and jumped. Two apprehensive people embarking on a new journey, we thank our lucky stars we did it!

Fact is, we are never ready! After studying the year round, we feel we're not ready for exams, and life is something we aren't ready to face. But how do we prepare? We don't. We can't. How can we? There are no books, no classes. And we'll never know until we take the step. It begins with admitting to ourselves that we may not be opposed to the idea. We just said, let the adventure begin!

Another subject that came up yesterday was who made more adjustments? We counted, calculated, competed and realised that when you're happy, they don't seem like adjustments...they come naturally! And that's another thing we weren't ready for!

So from I'm not ready, I went to "what the hell! I'll live only once and let me not miss out on this!" And I'm glad I did. The only adjustment I've had to make is that I never drink my coffee alone, and when I come back tired at the end of the day, I can crib to my heart's content. And of course, I've had to watch horror films, but I can! Because I'm not alone after watching them :)

I have no idea what life has in store for me, and I don't think I'm ready for it! But let the adventure continue! I'm going to dance while the music plays and not care about getting hurt or making adjustments!



  1. I so tell people, chances have to be taken...fuck I should know...I wear my heart on my sleeve...I am greedy for life...someday that greed will go I know...and it will be a greed for beign wih someone who makes me feel ME.

    So yea...Right!

  2. So true

    Nikhil k.
